By Vicky Roncero

By Vicky Roncero

Let Reiki Fill the Empty Spaces

Empty spaces. We all have them. The space in your heart, from a loss so great, that it feels like it’s left a hole in your soul. Or a wound from a lost relationship, or a lost job, that left you feeling insecure, undesirable or disposable. An unkind word that left it’s mark in your energy, that seems to drift away with years, but sometimes makes it’s way back into your consciousness. Empty spaces… the spaces that can only be filled in with unconditional love. These are the spaces that Reiki touches. This is why Reiki is such a powerful healing energy. Reiki IS unconditional love. And, to me, there is simply nothing that unconditional love can’t heal.

When people ask me, “what is Reiki good for?” I reply, “Everything.” And, it is true. If you are suffering from an illness, recovering from an injury, grieving a loved one, trying to manage anxiety and stress, navigating a break up or a job loss, looking to feel more grounded, or simply wanting to feel lighter and brighter… Reiki is for you. Reiki illuminates areas of darkness that you are not even aware you have. It finds your pain and heals your wounds. And, everyone has them. Everyone is healing from something.

When I first discovered Reiki, I had no idea how deeply it would seep into my pores and fill my world with light. I had no idea that it would become my personal mission to bring this light to as many people as I could possibly reach. As I learned Reiki, I became more and more aware of places that needed more light and learned how to locate them in others. When we are willing to surrender to our vulnerability, we connect with others in such an authentic way. Living your truth and raising your vibration, naturally raises the vibration of others. Your frequencies calibrate.

As I continue on my Reiki path, I realize that even as a Reiki Master, you are always a student of Reiki, learning more and more with each client, each new experience, each day. It is a beautiful unfolding. Like a flower opening and expanding and realizing it’s magnificence.

Reiki has no limits. It is useful in any and all situations.

I am finding more and more areas of life to apply Reiki and have been creating workshops for everything including stress and anxiety, self-love and confidence building, restful sleep, unblocking Chakras, and Reiki for expectant Moms. I love teaching Reiki to anyone it’s meant to reach.

As life is unpredictable and brings unexpected challenges and surprises, it is invaluable to have the tools learned in Reiki, to help navigate the ever-changing energy it brings.

This beautiful, joyful, painful, messy, colorful life is yours to live to the fullest. Take a deep breath and remember, Reiki is yours and is always available to you. There is an endless supply and it is here for everyone. Let Reiki fill your empty spaces and may they overflow with unconditional love and light.

Published in Reiki Rays on June 14, 2019

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