My Reiki Story

Vicky Roncero

Reiki Master Practitioner
Writer/Producer - Content Creator

Whether you are recovering from a lost job or relationship, an illness or injury, Reiki can be the light that illuminates the darkness and helps you find a different perspective. This is what happened to me and why Reiki had such an impact in my life.

I have been a television writer/ producer, for over twenty-five years. I have spent most of those years creating promos for television shows (short “spots” advertising a specific show or episode), in an effort to get viewers to tune in and watch.

I discovered Reiki, early in my TV career, after I had been let go from a job I had really loved. I felt like the rug was pulled out from under me and that my life was turned upside down. Of course, it was part of a corporate reorganization and was “nothing personal”. But, I was very defined by my job and very connected to the role I had assumed with this company. When this happened, I felt like I needed to regroup and take time to plan my next move, so I decided to spend a few days at a spa to get out of my head.

While there, I tried “Reiki”, which I had never heard of. It was 17 years ago and this was not a word in my vocabulary, at the time. I went into the session not knowing what to expect and feeling very unsettled. And, I came out, one hour later, feeling transformed. Something inside of me had shifted in a significant way. During the session, I connected to parts of me that I had forgotten were there. I realized that I was so much more than my job and this role that I had filled at this company. I realized that to think as much was to think small. I felt expansive and powerful. I felt like this layoff was actually a gift. I had been doing what I had thought was my calling. I had a passion for this work and loved it. But, on many levels, I wasn’t living my life as fully as I could.

The practitioner who had just worked with me could see this shift. She told me that I was very connected to Reiki energy and that some day I would be a Reiki Master. I was flattered and curious, but I didn’t really take it all that seriously. I was still very rooted in my story. I was a writer/producer and felt like this was more of an escape and a lesson, but not a new profession.

When I left the room, I knew I had experienced a great change. I knew I would be connecting with Reiki again. I also knew I did not want to rush into a staff job, just to feel safe and secure. I wanted to explore freelancing and work on my own terms. I began freelancing and stayed freelance until today. I enjoyed the freedom of working with a variety of companies and the flexibility of the terms in which I worked.

I also met my husband a few weeks after that spa experience and realized I had met my soul mate. Someone who could really see me, in ways that no one previously had. We went onto have two beautiful children, who are my greatest blessings. I had created the space in my life to realize that these were my real dreams.

Reiki had helped me shift into a different perspective. My life was not over because I had lost a job. My life shifted and became so much better. Reiki helps you see your story from a different angle and realize that it’s up to you to take your power and create the next chapter. The story does not define you. I think it is easy to get stuck in the story. Stuck in the emotion that the story brings. It is difficult to break free from the rules of what you think your life “should” be like, or the things you think people “expect” you to do. Reiki allows you to exhale and feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Over the years, I realized that my Reiki session changed me in such a significant way and I truly felt it was my purpose to help others do the same. I continued to feel that tug, or tap on the shoulder, to go and learn and become certified. I knew that it is possible to be more than one thing… I could be a writer/ producer AND a Reiki Master. You can be many things and all things. There are no limits. I kept hearing that whisper in my ear and knew I had to listen. We spend so much of our lives becoming what the world thinks we are supposed to be. And, it’s so important to take time to tune into your heart and make sure you are living a life that is aligned with your heart’s desires. I set a goal to complete my level three Master training by my fiftieth birthday.

When I realized this goal, I knew I had aligned with my purpose. I began seeing Reiki clients and doing distance healings and helping others to tune into their own inner energy. You can tap into Reiki to help you in your current relationships, in parenting, in your job, in managing your day-to- day experiences, in manifesting your dreams and goals. Reiki is always there to give you support and guidance and to encourage you to realize that we are never alone. We are all going through something and striving to be the best we can be.

Let Reiki help you find your confidence and tune into the best version of yourself. Take the leap. Make the change. Reiki is here for you.


Bachelor of Science in Communications- Ithaca College, School of Communications- 1989

Reiki Certifications:

2/26/16: First Degree Reiki- Usui System of Natural Healing-
Tina Patel- Reiki Master Teacher

12/11/16: Second Degree Reiki- Usui System of Natural Healing-
Joanna Crespo- Reiki Master Teacher

4/9/17: Third Degree Reiki Master Practitioner – Usui System of Natural Healing-
Joanna Crespo- Reiki Master Teacher

6/10/17: Certificate of Ordination- Sanctuary of the Beloved, of the State of New York

My Latest Reiki Articles

Magic in the Night

Rock and Roll, Hip Hop, Classical, Rap, Pop, Jazz, Funk, Country, Salsa, Reggae… music is a universal energy that moves us all. We might not

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